Monday, July 19, 2010

Missions & Ministry

This is our whole mission team. Villebrook Baptist Church & the Harrison Baptist Association.

Whew! Just got back from a week of ministry in inner-city Memphis, Tennessee. Jimmy and I took our youth group on their third mission trip this year. The previous two years we went to Springfield, Missouri, but this year we were allowed to take them a little farther out of their comfort zones.

We used the eight days that we were on mission trip to teach and reach. Our teens had classes in the mornings to challenge their brains and equip them mentally for life and missions work. In the afternoon, we took them to their ministry sites to get down and dirty with people who live in extreme poverty. One team was doing street witnessing. Whether they were feeding the homeless at Church Without Doors or handing our water bottles in the Memphis heat, their real purpose was to share the love of Jesus Christ. Our other team did a vacation Bible school for an inner-city church that couldn't afford to do one for themselves. They loved on kids, fed them snacks, taught them songs, and connected them to people in the church who would continue to help them long after we had gone.

The week was long and hot but much good was done. I saw our students gain a new appreciation for their physical possessions and for their families. I saw children who came broken hearted leave with a smile on their face because they had found a small piece of hope and happiness. I saw God move.

I would suffer all the heat and heartache in the world to have the joy of seeing people come to Jesus!


  1. Remember our time in Montgomery? Seems like you had a repeat of an awesome week. So miss the good times with you and Jimmy. School will be out in 3 years maybe I will have a life again at that time. Love you bunches.

  2. Yes, Montgomery was awesome! I miss you being on mission trips. Lets hope you are able to join us again when you are finished with school.

  3. If you guys were in Memphis, TN you drove right passed us!! Seriously!

  4. we enjoyed having yall here in memphis god bless you.

  5. Hey girl just found your blog through M2M blogroll. Nice to meet a fellow ministry wife!
